Thursday, 7 February 2013

Some oddments.


A 'gang' picking potatoes by hand in their 'mollies' in the days of the horses. It was back breaking , blister making work but they had no choice as it was the most common sort of work in the Boston area.
A 'spinner', pulled by horses and used to dig up the 'tates' and spread them on top of the soil for the 'gang' to pick into their 'mollies' or baskets.
Women pulling mangolds. Notice the child, as there were no nurseries in those days children were taken to work by their mothers until they started school and played in the fields or farmyards while the grown-ups toiled. Along with lots of other children of the 1950's I have many memories of being " brought up on the land. "
An L.N.E.R. poster
Bargate Green, before the War memorial was erected there.
Above and below: two views of the Market Place.

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