Saturday, 18 December 2010

Circus procession in High Street

Thank you to Sandra Nuttell for sending me these pictures of High Street in the 1950's. She informs me that the ones taken highest up are from Bank House in High Street where she spent part of her childhood. Before the days of Health and Safety when a circus came to town it was customary to have a procession like this to advertise the circus.
Below: Just visible in the distance are the Royal Oak and the Lord Nelson pubs and a building on the corner of Liquorpond Street that are all now demolished.


  1. Hi Billy
    The building on the right in picture one is now the sight of our shop the house was demolished in 1988 and our shop was built by Tony Charlton , the bricks went to help build the tudor mansion in Sibsey rd . The building to the left was built in 1718 and at one time was the home of the well known painter William bartol Thomas his father designed swan house , the building to the left of it was Vickers fish and chip shop. Old mrs Vickers was a Ladds and her father was one of twenty two children that form the ladds family in boston to this day , my great grand mother was one of the twenty two . Enough for two football teams it makes you wonder how they got through life but they did . I can just remember granny Lads she lived in queens st in a little two up two down house

  2. Thanks for the comment, I noticed a few months back there was a date on a drainpipe of 17?? near your shop. I remember Vickers Chip shop well. Although it was a shame to pull the old building down at least your shop has character and fits in with the surroundings.

  3. Billy, Rob & I have done some research on William 'Billy' Bartol Thomas and the information and some of his paintings are on the Facebook site for 'Boston Examiner'...we are trying to get something done about 107 and other neglected Grade 2 Listed buildings in Boston....any info and photographs (with address) would be really can send them to the way, Rob and I have discovered we are cousins through Billy Hancock who had the china stall on the market near M&S in the 60s...small world.
