Friday, 10 December 2010

Murdered by a Soldier

From a 1774 edition of the Oxford magazine.

They write from Boston in Lincolnshire, that a few days ago a murder was committed by a private dragoon in Bland's regiment, quartered there, on the body of one Friskney.—The parties appeared very sociable, and had spent a great part of the day and night together at a public house: towards morning the deceased went to bed in the soldier's room, where the latter soon followed; and immediately on his entrance into the chamber, drew a bayonet and stabbed his companion in a most inhuman manner, in several parts of his body, then with the club end beat him very cruelly on the head, and supposing him dead, left him weltering in blood on the floor.—He then attempted the door of the landlady's room (its feared for the fame purpose) which resisted his strongest efforts; but the noise he made alarmed the family, who soon discovered the murder, and had him properly secured: he was soon after conveyed to Lincoln Castle, guarded by constables, and two of the military : when enquiries were made as to what could induce him to such a great act of cruelty, the only answer he would return was, "He thirsted for blood, and if in his favour he would have more."—The poor unhappy victim survived but a few hours and the Coroner's Inquest returned their verdict, Wilful Murder; and his corpse was conveyed to the grave, attended by a distressed widow and several children.

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