Tuesday, 12 April 2011

White Horse found !!

In a previous blog entry ( March 2011) entitled "Keightleys / White horse" I didn't know what happened to the statuette of the White Horse that was on the front of the White Horse Hotel in West Street for many, many years so was delighted to receive an e-mail from Ashley Groombridge who works at Fydell House to inform me that the horse was, in fact, in the gardens of Fydell House. I paid a visit to Fydell house a few days later and took the following picture of the horse and would once again like to thank Ashley for getting in touch with me. What a sight it must have been on the old building.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see the statue has turned up but how much more of Boston's history is tucked away in unknown corners??(how did Fiddle House get it??) This and other artefacts should be part of the Guildhall collection and on display permanently (and for free!!)instead of these fleeting esoteric displays they put up now.....lets have more of our history on show....start with the cannons and this statue exhibited down Beadsmans Lane.....and the entrance to the Guildhall back to the Main Doors!!!
