Saturday, 21 April 2012

Before and After

A few pictures to show how Boston has changed.

Bargate Bridge. The Queens Head Hotel on the left is gone and is replaced by an undertakers and the buildings to the right were demolished to allow for bridge and road widening.

The Old Town Bridge. The little tobacconist kiosk was previously a watchmans hut and the building to the left of it (now a chinese restaurant) was the old Boot's the Chemist shop. The old bridge was replaced by the one below in 1913.

The junction of Bridge Street and High Street. The two buildings facing have been replaced by a pub and a kebab shop and the bow windowed shop on the right has long gone and is also a fast food shop.

Thankfully this building in the Market Place hasn't changed too much, except for the ugly hole in the wall cash machine.

High Street. Once one of the main routes into town, with busy two-way traffic, it is now a one way street. A lot of the upper parts of the buildings are untouched which sadly, can't be said of the lower parts.

Market Place shop. This shop next to The Still pub in the Market Place is now a bookies shop.

This building in Wide Bargate was, for many years, the home of the local newspaper "The Standard". It has recently been used as a small supermarket for Somerfield's, the Co-op and Morrison's.


  1. Lovely pic's Billy, no one can ever take away our Happy memories of our once lovely town, it bring's a tear to our eyes knowing it has changed forever.

    1. At least we can remember, the kids today will have no memories of an English country town. It is sad.

  2. Hey Billy, top top work again, and once again absolutely terrible to see the way this once splendid and historically important town has been inexorably stripped of it's assets and character. It's annoying to see the way that towns like stamford have preserved their history whilst Boston has had it's stolen as though it were lead on it's roof. Thanks for this important work

  3. I suppose that vauxhall gardens would have been behind those buildings to the right of bargate bridge?
