
Wednesday, 12 January 2011


Miscellaneous Pictures.

Demolition of livestock pens, Bargate, 1974.

Bottle from the Eagle Brewery, Boston.

The Bath Gardens and old General Hospital.

Potato weigher, made in Boston.

T.V. detector in Tower Street.

Strait Bargate, 1964.

Building the Starlight Rooms, 1960's.

Boston Station, 1962.

32, Market Place, near where the Waterfront pub is now.

Advert for Wright's garage, Wide Bargate.

The Ferry from Skirbeck Road to Edwin Street, off High Street.

The livestock pens and bull ring in Wide Bargate, the Red Cow pub is in the distance.

The Merseybeats 'down the dance' in the 1960's.

Middlecott Almshouses, demolished in 1966. Middlecott Close was built on the site.

The Market Place,1914. Recruiting for World War One.

Boston & District Ploughing Society celebrations, unknown date.

The Corn Exchange.

The corner of Stanbow Lane and Pinfold Lane in 1964.

The old Drill Hall, near the present day Matalan store.

The Boston Coat of Arms.

Early Fire brigade, outside the Municipal Buildings, West Street.

The Lord Nelson Field. (where Nelson Way is now)

Unexploded bomb outside Cammacks shop, Wide Bargate in 1940.

A room of the Whale Inn showing a mosaic of a whale in 1971.

Cheer's shop in West Street.

Soldiers in West Street, returning from the Boer War.

The last commercial sailing ship to leave Boston Dock (Danish).

Blackfriars in 1856.

The old St. Botolph's Church bellringers.

27, Wormgate in 1910.

Where the Waterfront pub is now.

Arme's down West Street.

Strait Bargate in the 1980's.

Bedford's Mill, where the Pizza Hut car park is now on Fydell Crescent.


  1. Hi Billy. The Steam Pump Fire Engine shown in West Street was in its time the pride and joy of the towns Fire Brigade, it was not allowed under any circumstances to leave the then Borough boundry. Many years ago I was told by a very old former volunteer fireman that when the alarm went off the first person to arrive had to light the fire under the boiler then as more men arrived the appliance was manhandled out onto West Street awaiting the arrival of the horses. The horses in the main were provided by the Peacock & Royal Hotel and were used to pull their Omnibus to and from the railway Station. On hearing the fire alarm the omnibus would head for the Municipal Buildings and the horses put onto the Steam Pump Engine, if they were a long time the men would pull it themselves towards the fire untill the horses caught up with them, not a very satisfactory situation but that was how it was.

  2. Thanks for that extra piece of information Robin, it's good to have all these snippets of Boston's history written down, especially things like the old firemans memory, to make certain as much is remembered as possible.

  3. hi billy was pleased with the whale picture . it must have been about 1958 as an apprentice painter , we used the whale room as our paint store. it was damp and eerie as i remember . i think the pub was run by the butcher family ?

  4. Thanks Bob, Yes Bill Butcher was my Uncle and my Mum (Lil)was a barmaid there, I remember as a young teenager being fascinated by the room. Uncle Bill's daughter Bridget, my cousin, later had the Coach and Horses for a while. Thanks for the comment.

    1. Billy
      Just seen this after posting a comment. Bill Butcher's daughter Bridget is my Aunt and remember spending a lot of time at the Coach and Horses with my Cousin Kevin. My Mother is the other sister Janet and there was Bill (known as little Bill). It is amazing how many people remember Grandad having the Whale.

    2. Would be nice to see a picture of the Whale pub Cathy.
