Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Old Market Place Theatre

According to old records there was a theatre in the Market Place which had the benefits of considerable patronage and where some of the most famous actors and actresses of the day performed. Just where the theatre stood remains something of a mystery, but in all probability was on the premises once occupied by W.W. Johnson’s shop.

Some years ago (pre 1955) a Mr. Fred Kime of Boston said he had a vivid recollection of being shown the building by his father, who explained to him that that was the theatre. Mr. Kime also said that he recalled the words “Boston Theatre” being inscribed on a circular plaque high on the building, this circle still remains.

The back of the premises were rather curiously constructed, towering aloft in a most unusual manner and makes one wonder whether it was not here that the drop curtains and all the mysteries of back-stage were housed. In all events it sounds very much like it and there is some verification in a biography of a famous theatrical family. It was mentioned there that on one occasion they played at Boston and found that the back of the premises were used for grain storage, a circumstance that very much puzzled the actress. In 2011 the building is now the Waterfront pub and remains virtually unchanged, it still has the circular plaque.

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