
Sunday, 1 July 2012

Odds and Ends


In the midst of a raging snowstorm in early 1947 the "Cherry Corner" milk bar took in its first consignment of ice cream. Experience in the U.S.A. had convinced ex musician L.W. Harris, of the Royal Marines, that people will eat ice cream at any time, even with the temperature below freezing point. Mr. Harris, son of a former police sergeant, thought all this over as the aircraft carrier "Victorious" cruised through the Atlantic, the Pacific and a large area of the world's remaining oceans. Then he wrote about his post-war dream of opening an American style milk bar in Boston to his friend, Sergt. Alf Bell, of Swineshead. He, too, had plenty of time to think as he lay in hospital recovering from wounds received in Normandy on D-Day plus ten, which resulted in him being invalided from the Army. The two got together and the "Cherry Corner" was the result. At the same time they were hoping to install a juke-box if the magistrates gave their blessing and granted a music licence. Later on they parted company and Mr. Harris became proprieter of the "Pop Shop" cafe in West Street.

This is the only picture I have of the Cherry Corner building (the printers and stationer) obviously taken long before 1947. Hinds Jewellers now (2012) occupies the site.



The absconding of a confidential clerk to an attorney at Boston with over
£800 of his employer´s money, is another melancholy illustration of the lost
morality of the times, when oaths and obligations of good principles are treated
as mere matters of convenience. The young gentleman took some Deeds to Lincoln,
received the Purchase-money, and instead of returning to Boston, went to Hull
and took shipping for America. His name is PLUMB, he was clerk to Mr
COOKE, the sum he received was £843 and he sailed from Hull on Friday
last in the St Mary, bound for Quebec.


Married on Monday last Mr. Edward GREEN, fisherman, to Mrs.
DAY, both of Boston; being his 5th wife and her 2nd husband. His last
wife had Five Husbands - the Bridegroom applied to the clergyman for some
abatement of the usual fee, on the grounds of his having been so good a
customer. The Bride was given away by the Bridegroom´s son-in-law.


On Thursday the 30th, aged 59 years, William RAISON of North
Street, Boston - and on the same day aged 52 years William RAISON of
Grove Street, for many years a publican at Hildike Bar. It is remarkable that
these two persons were not related although they were of the same Christian and
surname, resided in the same town and died on the same day and were buried on
Sunday last in graves not more than twelve inches apart.


Years ago in the days when Boston had a thriving cattle market, there used to be a baker called Barrard, in West Street, who would appear about mid morning in the Market with a huge basket of hot meat pies. He was eagerly awaited by many men for a mid morning snack, no doubt they had nothing since an early breakfast, and perhaps they had walked some miles to the town driving bullocks, and they could not leave them in the market unattended. The Cattle Market has long gone and so has the Pieman, institutions of a bygone age.


  1. Anyone who was in their teens late 50s and 1960s knew the Cherry corner ( or the cherry) very well . The food was good and Alf was well known for the cafe and outside catering . To we bikers it was the centre of Boston and there were always many bikes parked there . Happy days , well done Alf . Les who created the pop shop also did a great job , who remembers his hot buttered rolls . Later we had the Wimpy bar ....less said .

  2. In the 1950's myself and some fellow pupils from Boston High School used to go in the Copper Kettle Cafe when we left school in the afternoon. Rules were you were NOT to remove any of your school uniform until you reached home. But by the time we were parking up our cycles outside the Copper Kettle berets were already stuffed in our pockets and our school macs were given a smarter look - being belted tightly and collars turned up.
    I cant remember the name of the cafe's owner (Dolly?)but she was not to be messed with. If you stayed and stretched your drink out too long you were told to buy another drink or it was time to leave. The Copper Kettle was in Wide Bargate, I wonder if anyone remembers it.

  3. Yes, I remember Dolly and her lipstick. Her son (?) used to go to Grammar School and would let a group of us up into the club upstairs sometimes. Although I attended Kitwood Boys, the group I mixed with at 'the new baths' were mainly from the Grammar.
    We used to frequent the Folk Club, Jazz Club, New Inn and head of down the marshes some nights, calling in at a pub at Fishtoft on the way (can't remember the name) - great times!!

  4. I think that Dolly of the Copper Kettle had the surname Howden.I, too, used to frequent that meeting place I also attended Boston High School from 1955-1960 so I wonder if I was there at the same time as "Anonymous" 15th Jan 2014. Prior to that I attended Tower Road School 1949-1955.Have school photos of both schools.
