
Wednesday, 29 December 2010

River life in Boston

Thirteen old views of Boston's river life.


  1. Hi Billy
    If you look closely at pictures 10 and 11 it shows one of the wharf side buildings with the arched windows being demolished, dont know the date though.
    happy new year, keep up the good work.
    regards John Clayton

  2. That's amazing, the times I've looked at that photo and not noticed that!! I must have been focusing on the boat, I have to pay more attention. I have a better photo of the building I've just looked at it and it was called the London Warehouse,like you though I don't know the date of its demolition.

  3. Hi Billy
    I remember my grandad saying, his grandad would employ horses to pull the fishing boats up the river , when no wind was available to sail up. The path that runs at the back of oxford st is still known as the tow path. The horses were stabled at the back of the Robin Hood pub. Grandad was born in white horse ln in 1891 and came from a long line of fishermen his name was Samuel Cartwright Coulson although grandad never fished his brother glassy coulson carried on the tradition , and David his grandson still fishes to this day

  4. Hi.

    I don’t suppose you have any clues to the rest of the wording on the wall signage in pic 11 (‘something’ & sons Ltd). Sadly, it’s all been painted over since.
